Vintage Dollhouse Remodel Part IV: Girl Room

Vintage Dollhouse Makeover series:

Part I Vintage Dollhouse, Part II Exterior, Part III Boy’s RoomPart IV Girl’s RoomPart V Laundry / BathroomPart VI Living Room, Part VII Kitchen, Part VIII Play Room + Final Reveal

I’m so excited to share my vintage dollhouse girl room remodel with you! It has been such a vicariously fun exercise to decorate an entire girl’s room for less than $10.

When I scoured the internet for inspiration, I was drawn to the darling sets by Daisylane, Lundby and Hape. However, I was working with a minimal budget, so I set to work creating the look for less.

Vintage Dollhouse Remodel for less than $50 |


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Daisylane furniture. Vintage Dollhouse Remodel - Girl's Room Makeover under $10 |   Hape Furniture. Vintage Dollhouse Remodel - Girl's Room Makeover under $10 | Hape Furniture. Vintage Dollhouse Remodel - Girl's Room Makeover under $10 |   Lundby Furniture. Vintage Dollhouse Remodel - Girl's Room Makeover under $10 |  DaisyLane Le Toy Van dollhouse bedroom furniture | Five Marigolds

As a little reminder, this is what I started with:

Vintage Doll House Makeover Before | Five Marigolds

And here is where I ended up: Vintage Dollhouse Girl Room Remodel |

My taste in girly decor doesn’t fall too far from my own reality – there are many similarities between this room and my girls’ rooms here and here.

I did have freedom to go bold with the walls though, and that’s what I did. I used this beautiful floral scrapbook “wallpaper” and took my color cues from there,

As mentioned in the Boy Bedroom makeover of this series, I was able to split this inexpensive miniature bedroom furniture set.  I split the bunk bed to get this twin bed. I used an end table and lamp from another furniture set (more on that later!) to use as a night stand.Vintage Dollhouse Girl Room Remodel |

I used scrap fabric to sew a duvet cover and pillow. I created a mini faux canvas out of a picture I took this summer. The other images I designed or came from free artwork (mostly from DesignLoveFestpinned here) and scaled to size, then glued to Scrabble tiles.

I already had the pink miniature dollhouse. It’s a little bigger than scale, but every girl needs a dollhouse, right?

Vintage Dollhouse Girl Room Remodel |

I love this little reading nook. with floating shelves and floor cushions. To make the books, I pinned miniature book covers that I shrunk to scale and printed on card stock. I wrapped these miniature covers over craft foam to look like pages. I could use a reading nook like this in my own home!

Vintage Dollhouse Girl Room Remodel |

Finally, I added a scrap of costume fur, leftover from my daughter’s poodle costume, for a big fur rug to lighten up the space.

Price Breakdown: Dollhouse Girl’s Room

  • Wallpaper $0.90
  • Rug: $0 *
  • Furniture: $8 **
  • Bedding: $0 *
  • Art and accessories: $0.60 for bunting
  • TOTAL = $9.50

*Used materials I already had on hand.

**Some furniture for this room was pieced together from sets from other rooms, and will be reflected in those posts.

What do you think of my dollhouse girl room? If you like this post, be sure to subscribe below to get more updates on the dollhouse renovations and follow my Pinterest dollhouse inspiration board. In the meantime, follow my other vintage dollhouse makeover posts here:

Vintage Dollhouse Makeover Part I Vintage Dollhouse, Part II Exterior, Part III Boy’s RoomPart IV Girl’s RoomPart V Laundry / BathroomPart VI Living Room, Part VII Kitchen, Part VIII Play Room + Final Reveal

This blog shows a room-by-room vintage dollhouse remodel on a budget! | Five Marigolds

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